miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010

The Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

The Weapons of Mass Destruction are all kind of arms, which can kill many people in an instant. “This kind of arms can destroy structures like big buildings (Twin Towers), natural structures (valley) and biosphere in general. The human have been able to create several weapons for example: biological, nuclear, chemical and radiological.”(J,Smith)
One of the most important reasons to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is the globalization, because the globalization promotes the excesses of material things, people want to have more and more. This produce wars, these wars require powerful arms able to kill people. For example United States, is a major producer of weapons and one of the most globalized countries in the world them have many wars with countries like Iraq. This argument shows the importance of the globalization to increase the weapons production.
Globalized countries want to have money, a lot money, the creation of weapons is an excellent business for increase their capital, but they need costumers so their competitive strategic is create new wars, powerful wars that need powerful arms for win.
The proliferation of such weapons has brought severe consequences for humans, more aggressive behaviors, destruction of environment, increased economic and social gap between countries in the first and third worlds.
If we don’t make something to stop this production, the world can disappear, won’t have society. People will disappear. Our world will be only a legend

3 comentarios:

  1. Weapons are not the solution to peace, communication is what can make world peace, but third world countries, always want to have the power and for this reason that the weapons exist, it is very unfortunate but it's reality, would be very nice to live in a world where peace and communication between countries

  2. weapons dont do any good to humanity and enviroment, what they do is destroy everything. I think we will live a better life without weapons. Weapons equal violence.

  3. I agree with you about the globalization which promotes the excesses of material things. Unfortunately this excesses produce dangerous and serious consequences which people ussualy don't put attention. If we don't stop the proliferation of the arms the wars and conflicts will never end.
